
The majority of scholars agree that the development of the Turkish language goes back to its roots and origins of the Altaic languages. Which include the Turkish, Manchurian, and Mongolian languages. Others believe that it also included the Korean and Japanese languages.

The beginning of the Turkish language dates back to 8.000 years. And it developed from symbols to writing until it became an official language during the Ottoman rule.

The Seljuks used the Turkish language in their time. And it is the closest to the language that Turks speak now. Below are the 5 Stages of Development of the Turkish Language.

1-Altai Language Stage

 It is a very old language dating back to about 8.000 years BC, and this language includes several sub-languages, including the Turkish language.

According to some scholars, this language does not have any rules.

2-The Stage of Separation

In this stage the Turkish language separated from the main language of Altai.

And it goes back to 4000 years and the number of its common words with the Sumerian language is 168 words.

After this stage the Turkish and Mongolian languages ​​appeared, and there were two dialects: the Eastern Turkish dialect and the Western Turkish dialect.

3-The Stage of the Ancient Turkish Language

This stage started from the seventh century AD until the thirteenth century.

At this stage the Turkish language began to be written; the first Turkish alphabet appeared which is the Göktürk alphabet.

Also at this stage appeared the Uyghur language, which is the language used by the Muslim Uighurs in China.

4-The Middle Stage

It is the stage between the ancient and modern Turkish languages.

It began after the Islam of the Turks and their influence with the Arabic and Persian languages.

This stage was in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries AD. The language of this period is very similar to the language of the Karahan now.

5-The Modern Turkish language Stage

The declaration of the Turkish language as official language, began with the establishment of the Ottoman Empire in 1299 AD. And it continued until the establishment of the Turkish Republic by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in 1923 AD.

The Ottoman language was used in the states that were under the control of the Ottoman Empire.

Most of the Ottoman monuments are full of the Ottoman and the Arabic writings.

You may find this clear when you visit the archaeological sites in the country, especially in Istanbul.

Then the modern Turkish language appeared after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. And in order to build an independent Turkish state, Latin letters replaced Arabic letters. In addition to introducing some foreign words into the Turkish language.

This is how the current Turkish language spread in the country.

There are nearly 250 million people around the world that speak the Turkish language. And there are various dialects of the Turkish language that extend as far as China.

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