Very important steps to confront climate change in Turkey were taken to preserve the environment during 2019 and 2020; which are represented by major initiatives; including the ban on free plastic bags and declaring November 11 of each year a “National day for afforestation.”
Turkey also sent delegations to climate change talks; with the aim of meeting the urgent need to confront climate change 2021.
The 7 steps Turkey took to confront climate change 2020-2021 are;
1-“Zero Waste Blue” Project
The Ministry of Environment and Urban Development in Turkey announced the decision of a “Zero Waste Management System”. With the aim of reducing the volume of non-recyclable waste, and preventing and reducing waste instead of recycling it.
The decision included the transition of “Public institutions and agencies to a” zero waste management system “On June 1, 2020. As well as urban municipalities with a population of more than 250 thousand people on December 31, 2020.”
As part of the decision, more than 26,000 enterprises and more than 2 million people across Turkey learned about the “Zero waste” system, according to the ministry’s figures.
2-Amendment to the Fisheries Law
Turkey also made progress in the field of fisheries by implementing several major changes and modernizing the fisheries law that has been in place since 1971.
Taking into account technological progress, sector needs, and scientific, environmental, economic and social factors, the amendments to the law aim to stop marine pollution, combat overfishing and impose severe penalties.
The changes, which will also prevent the introduction of non-endemic species in the country to Turkish waters, will take effect on January 1, 2020.
3-15th Article action plan
In the wake of floods and landslides caused by climate change in the Black Sea city of Trabzon; Turkey announced a 15-article action plan to combat climate change in the Black Sea on June 12th.
The action plan aims to prevent injuries and damages caused by disasters related to climate change in the region, through a number of methods, including the implementation of early warning systems.
Climate change is a “national security problem”, Therefore, additional plans are active separately for the remaining six regions of Turkey within 6 months.
4-National Day of Afforestation
On November 11th, at 11:11 local time, more than 11 million seedlings were on the ground, as part of the “Breathe for the Future” campaign launched by the Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
On the Black Sea coast, a group of people planted 303,150 seedlings within an hour, beating Indonesia, which set the world record by planting 232,647 seedlings.
5-Increasing the forest area by 30%
The Ministry of Environment hopes to reduce pollution levels in line with European standards. And in line with the 2023 goal to place Turkey among the top ten countries in the world.
And Turkey’s main goal for 2021 goal is increasing the forest area by 30% and to recover 80% of the ships produced, 90% of them, as is the case in developed countries that passed these matters”
6-Thermal power plants decision
The new law about the installation of filters in thermal power plants; that it coincided with the first day of the climate conference organized by the United Nations in Madrid.
Environmental groups, professional chambers, academics, and journalists praised the move.
7-2021 Re-use of the raw material plan
By reusing the raw materials in production, Turkey will reduce the amount of damage to the environment by 2021.
Also, the re-shipment of plastic bottles started through ticket booths; related to buses so that you can exchange the bottles for either; cash, chocolate, biscuits, or packing a card on buses.
In Conclusion, the Ministry of Environment and Urban Development expects that; the steps Turkey took in 2020 to confront climate change will contribute to effectively reducing the percentage of pollution; after consumers become accustomed to a low-waste lifestyle.