
Addiction treatment in Turkey depends on many factors, including the type of substance used, the dose that the person uses, the period of time he started using this substance, and others. 

The treatment mechanism may differ for people who agree to use a specific substance in the same amount and for the same period of time as well. Because addiction is a disease related to the person himself, and indirect use motives are important in determining the treatment mechanism, as well as the person’s will in the stages of addiction treatment is very important in getting rid of the disease. 

Add to that the person’s impact on the surrounding environment and the ability of the surrounding environment like his family, friends and neighbors; so understanding the patient and the support provided to him is very basic and important.

Stages of Addiction Treatment in Turkey

The stages of addiction treatment in Turkey are going through these four stages:

  • Deprivation Stage

This period is considered the most difficult period for an addicted person, but it is the basis for treatment. 

The patient’s feelings during that period are unbalanced between ups and downs and a positive and negative impact. 

It usually begins and continues until the end of the first month. Its importance lies in the fact that it helps reduce the patient’s desire to abuse the substance to a minimum, after which it is easy to get rid of addiction. 

And this period must take place under the supervision and follow-up of the medical staff. 

The patient needs to be under the eye and supervision of the medical staff 24 hours. Therefore, the patient’s presence in the hospital and his stay at this stage is very important.

  • Enthusiasm and Euphoria Stage

The patient feels much better, especially after his lack of desire is at the minimum that he can control himself. 

The physical and psychological problems begin to disappear, so the patient feels that he has improved and is completely and completely rid of addiction. 

This period lasts from the first month to the third. The patient can practice his hobby or activity, go to work, and organize in his life.

  • Despair and Boredom Stage

The patient feels hopeless, tired, bored, and depressed, as well as feels poor order and gets used to the regularity of his life as if life has become an unbearable routine; and he may have a longing to return to a life of addiction. 

In this stage, psychological support from the family, relatives and friends is the most important component of the diagnosis’s recovery and assistance in its exit from this state and its non-return to its first state. 

And it is necessary at this stage to maintain communication with the medical staff who carried out the treatment process and follow the instructions given by them. 

This phase starts from the third month and ends around the sixth month.

  • Beginning of a New Life Stage 

This stage is characterized by regularity of feeling and senses for the patient; where he begins to recover from his illness and form a new life, and he can go about his life and its system smoothly.  Then the patient begins to get rid of the irregularity of feelings that accompanied it in varying proportions in all previous periods. 

It should be noted that the durations given may differ from one person to another, but in general the stages that the addiction treatment process passes through in Turkey are the same. 

Therefore, the signs and symptoms associated with these stages must be paid more attention to than the specified time periods.

This stage usually begins after the first six months.

Medical Addiction Treatment Methods in Turkey

With the development of medicine, methods of diagnosing diseases and knowledge of the real causes of diseases, methods of treatment for these diseases have evolved. 

In view of the multiplicity of causes that lead to addiction and their overlapping, some medical and scientific approaches that are internationally approved and based on evidence are being applied and have proven successful in treating a very large segment of patients.

The main five approaches are:

  • Individual Psychotherapy 

As a result of face-to-face personal interviews by psychiatrists with the patient, a set of examinations are identified that help in setting up the correct treatment plan for the patient and identifying some of the causes of addiction related to the addicted person himself. 

In all cases, it must be noted that these medical examinations alone are not sufficient. Rather, the person who recommended them must be a specialist in the field and have sufficient experience and experience to give such examinations. 

  • Addiction Group Psychotherapy

The idea of ​​group psychotherapy depends on the participation of several similar people in the same problem and their interaction with each other in one session instead of the patient’s participation in a single psychological treatment session. 

Doctors and psychotherapists will also participate in this session.

  • Interactive Therapy group

In these group sessions, topics related to communication skills, recognizing anger and ways to deal with it, defining stress and ways to confront it, controlling impulses, developing emotional skills, and other topics are covered.

  • Drug Treatment

The patient is given some treatments that reduce or reduce his desire to use the narcotic. The treatment is given after the addictive substance is known and the necessary tests are done. 

It should be noted that often drug therapy alone is not sufficient for the patient to recover from addiction, so other treatment methods must be used based on a treatment plan based on an accurate diagnosis of each patient’s condition.

Nervous treatment of the brain, using magnetic stimulation technique of deep brain.

  • Family Training

Addiction is a disease that is not related to the addicted person alone, but affects his family as well. Therefore, the family must know the true cause of addiction and other indirect causes, because the family plays an important and essential role in the patient’s recovery and support in getting rid of the drug. 

In this program prepared for the family, they are informed of what to do with the patient and discuss and discuss solutions that can contribute to treating the patient and getting rid of addiction. 

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By Ahmad