There are many many customs and manners of the Turkish Tea since it’s drunk every hour of the day and the main drink for every conversation with a sweet cake, and a warm drink on cold days. 

Tea has a high place in Turkish culture. In Turkey, where not a day goes by without tea, tea is on the breakfast table just after waking up and throughout the day.

Each region and city of Turkey has special customs and rituals for drinking tea. 

Story of Turkish Tea

According to written sources, the first people to discover tea were the Chinese. The tea was discovered when the tea plant was accidentally dropped into boiling water and changed the colour of the water and gave it a special taste after a while. 

As for the Turks’ acquaintance with tea, it was when they were in Central Asia before their arrival in Anatolia. The Turkish poet Ahmed Yesi is considered the first man to drink tea, who lived in the 12th century in Kazakhstan. 

In Turkey, tea is not drunk in porcelain cups or in large cups. Tea has special cups. So why do Turks drink tea with special cups?

Turkish Tea Cup

Although it is not known who discovered the habit of drinking tea in cups designated for it and does not know how that habit came out, it is a tradition that lasted for over 90 years.

Glass cups began to be manufactured after the Industrial Revolution in large numbers in Europe. However, the money for those larger cups was high. The Turks discovered smaller, less expensive cups instead of larger cups at great costs.

Of course, the use of small designated cups for tea was not just because of the high financial costs of their production. 

Besides, tea mugs are also designed. Because of the design of the cups for tea, it is possible to hold the cup without fingers being affected by the temperature of the drink, in addition to its curved design that helps to preserve the temperature of the tea for a long time.

As for the aesthetics, manufacturing and characteristics of tea cups, it is believed that the idea is inspired by lilies or tulips.

Turkish Tea is the Best Companion for Friends

Tea is never drunk separately. If it is, it does not give the same amount of pleasure compared to drinking it with company and group. 

When drinking tea, someone should be with you. Tea is a symbol of an active social life and the key to being part of society. Meaning that when they meet people for the first time, they go to drink tea. 

Friends heave a sigh of relief to drink tea somewhere, by chance. Tea is the drink of the friends’ sessions and the evening sessions, and the guest drink and the drink are an integral part of the daily life of the Turks.

Turkish Tea is for All Turks

The main advantage of customs and manners of the Turkish Tea; is that everyone drinks it all the time and everywhere because it is simple and effortless to make. 

You can sip it without anything besides it, either. It is cheap and easy to prepare and serve. As for drinking it, it is a great pleasure.

Turkish tea is a Symbol of Peace and Reconciliation

Wherever you go to Turkey, and whatever your purpose of the visit and whatever your work, you will be hosted and honored with Turkish Tea without asking you anything. 

Even if you go to work or your home, you are invited to drink tea, even if it is in a hurry, and they insist on inviting you and drinking tea. 

Turkish Tea is a drink of friendship, conversation, affection, and commonality. From cafes to tea ovens, and from high-end cafes to restaurants, you see pots of tea being brought in everywhere …

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By Ahmad