Free sports centers in Turkey “Spor Salonu” are distinguished services provided by the Turkish municipalities which provide also services in various fields of health, education and sports. It is a guaranteed service for everyone who lives in Turkey, whether they are Turkish or foreign residents.
Advantages of free sports centers in Turkey
These sports centers are distinguished by many advantages, as they are spread all over Turkey, and are characterized by advanced services and facilities:
- Provide various sports service
Like swimming pools and coaches, such as Football, volleyball, basketball, tennis, fitness, swimming, step aerobics, Pilates, karate, gymnastics, judo, taekwondo-do, table tennis, ice skating, functional training, spinning, aero dance, bosu, kick boxing, kungfu wu-shu, Archery, badminton, athletics, wrestling, defense sports, squash and capoeira.
- Provide training
As they provide professional trainers for trainees in various sports,
- Open for all levels
From children to adults, at specific times and days for different sports.
Free sports centers in Turkey – Istanbul
Free sports centers in Istanbul are provided to residents by Spor Istanbul on behalf of the Metropolitan Municipality in 51 sports facilities offered by the Metropolitan Municipality to the service of Istanbul residents.
In 51 sports facilities and complexes, approximately 3.5 million Istanbul residents are given sports individually and in groups.
These facilities are offered to the public between 08:00 and 22:00 in order to spread sports to the base, to give everyone a habit of doing sports, and to ensure that as many Istanbulites as possible do sports.

Registration in the free sports centers in Turkey
Registration in these centers is done through the residency card, and the employee will request a set of health analyzes for the applicant, in order to ensure a sound physical health, so that the person is able to practice the sport you have chosen without any harm to health.
These analysis are;
- An electrocardiogram.
- Urine analysis.
- Blood analysis.
- Skin examination.
These required analyzes differ from one sport to another, and these analyzes can be performed free of charge through the municipal government medical centers, by asking the employee about the nearest center in the area.